
Kira will generate the best truth of dare questions for you.

Share GIFs

You can share pictures, GIFs and sticker in the chat.

Instant Messaging

Have conversation in realtime with your friends and groups.


Your messages are projected with end-to-end encryption.


Create account

Start by creating a profile on the app so that your friends can identify you. Creating an account is easy, you just need a username, password and select an avatart that best decribes you. You can change any of these later.


Create or Join

You can create groups and invite your friends or join a group which you are invited to. Groups are private and you need the group ID to join. ID's are easily shareble and you can send to as many friends as you want.


Have fun

Once you have an account and you are in a group, start having fun with all the features in the app and play your favourite game. Truth or Dare?

get started

Generated Questions

Our bot 🤖 will automatically ask questions for you, questions you want to know but do not have the courage to ask.

Instant Messaging

Chat with your friends in realtime and play games live. You can use Nerve as your primary messaging app if you want, we'll recommend that 🥰.

Do all your normal stuffs

Share pictures, GIFs and stickers to make your chat more engaging and lively. 🤣

You can trust us

You can trust us to keep your informations safe. We do not sell your data to third parties or advertisers. We give your end-to-end encryption 🔐.

It’s easier than ease.

Nerve is inspired by the nerve movie. We are just like nerve but with only the fun part, also you only get to play with your friends. You can create or join groups. Groups are private and can also to join by a Group ID, therefore, people who have the Group ID can join your groups. Groups can have as many members as you wish.

So What are You Waiting for?

get started